Simulation of 3d granular dissipative gas under different kinds of excitations & with different number of balls N . 

              Results 1 to 18:


R. Liu, M. Hou, P. Evesque, Lab MSSMat,  UMR 8579 CNRS, Ecole Centrale Paris, 92295 CHATENAY-MALABRY, France, e-mail:


Abstract: This group of papers publishes a series of simulations on the dynamics of N equal-size spheres (D=1)  in a 3d rectangular cell (Lx=20D, Ly=20D, Lz=60D) excited along z in 0 gravity.(N=100, 500, 1000, 1200, 2000, 3000, 4000, 4500). Different Oz excitation kinds have been used (symmetric and non symmetric bi-parabolic, symmetric and non symmetric saw teeth, thermal wall). No rotation is included, dissipation is introduced via a restitution coefficient e= -V’n/Vn , where V’n and Vn are the relative ball speed along normal to ball centres after and before collision. The papers are organised as follow : # 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 deal respectively with the number density distribution(1,2), Vz distribution (3,4), Vx (5,6), local Vz mean (7,8) in ± z directions, local sum of Vz (9,10), local T±(z) in ±z directions, local Pz±(z) in ±z directions, under bi-parabolic excitation (under sawteeth excitation). Booklet # 15-18, concern thermal excitation; #15 concerns Vz and Vx distribution at different z; local Vz Mean and local sum of Vz (flow) are published in #16; #17 concerns T±(z) (i.e. local mean of V±z²) and  P±(z) (i.e. local sum of V±z²), and #18 the nz distribution.

The simulations start at a given time from a random state which does not correspond to steady state. Curves are given after different laps of time, so that evolution to steady state can be determined. It occurs that few of these simulations (those with larger number of spheres) are not yet reaching the steady state even at the end of simulation.


Pacs # : 5.40 ; 45.70 ; 62.20 ; 83.70.Fn


poudres & grains 17 (1-18), 1-561 (Juillet 2009)